"...After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and people and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"" (Revelation 7:9-10)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And so it begins!

In January of 2012, I will have the privilege of traveling with my church on a 13 day missions trip to Uganda. Through a series of unexpected circumstances, God made it clear to me that I was to go on this trip. I have a full time job and plenty of excuses of why I shouldn't go, but each of these excuses were answered with God's handiwork and I signed up.

I have never been abroad. Everything about this trip will be a new experience. Our trip will start with a flight from Washington D.C. to Ethiopia. From Ethiopia we will fly into Entebbe, Uganda, where we will stay for a night before making the 8 hour bus ride to Kiburara.

We have 22 people on our team and the dynamics are great. Young recent college grads, married, single, older, but all with a passion for Christ. We've only met twice, but I look forward to building friendships with these people. I moved out to DC about 2 years ago and have been attending this church for about a year. Attending alone and 45 minutes away from my house has made it a bit difficult to get to know people and be involved, so I'm thrilled about this opportunity!

This will be the 5th year that Covenant Life has gone to Kiburara. They have built a relationship with the local church and have seen it grow exponentially since they first came. This trip will range from working on widows homes, hosting a pastor's conference for 100 pastors from villages in the area, a kids "camp," and really just spending time serving the people of the village. From what I gather, only so much planning can be done ahead of time for these trips. Not every culture runs by the clock, so we kinda just gotta go with the flow!

More updates as they come--I look forward to sharing with you as I learn more about this trip and God's plan unfolds!

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