"...After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and people and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"" (Revelation 7:9-10)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Short Term Missions

(Sharpening our Focus and Service with Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Part 3- Ten Starting Points for Doing Short-Term Missions with Cultural Intelligence, By: David Livermore)

1. God's a Lot Bigger than your Short-Term Mission Trip--
"When we're discouraged, may we be reminded that God has had thousands of years of turning our most feeble attempts at living out His mission into beautiful reflections of His glory. When we're tempted to overstate our role, may we be reminded that only God can turn a heart of stone into a heart of flesh...In the words of Jonathan Edwards, "God's work of power and grace will not be thwarted by our great many errors and sin."

4. Seek to understand the culture you are visiting!

5. On Second Thought-Thing Again! --
Don't assume things about the place you are going or the people you are serving. Our cultures are different and we shouldn't go in there with the attitude that they are poor and needy. Perhaps comparatively with the wealth of America, but that doesn't mean they live with a "woe is me, I need help" attitude!

9. Incorporate Short-Term Missions as Part of Your Seamless Missional Journey--
At no point in this trip can I operate under the illusion that I have to go to Africa to share God's Word. I have this awesome opportunity, but there are plenty of people here who need to hear the Gospel as well. It's a sobering thought and something that I've struggled with. Pray. Pray. Pray.

10. Love God, Love Others--
"When you get up and when you go to sleep--love God, love others. When you travel on vacation and when you travel as part of a mission team--love God, love others." ..."Whether you eat or drink, or WHATEVER you do, do all to the GLORY of God!" (1 Corinthian 10:31)

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