"...After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and people and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"" (Revelation 7:9-10)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 8

Morning (Guest House)
We woke up this morning to the birds singing again and the roosters crowing. I was a bit more prepared for the youth conference and all of the preaching today-it went all day!
Peter was sick so I kind of lead worship. Oh the joy I had singing and dancing with the Ugandans! They loved We are Marching in the Light of God and Isaac said it was more involved than they have been in our worship in the past. It was so wonderful!! Sue and Jeff were down the street in the school and they said they could hear the church rocking! By the end we were all pretty out of breath and sweaty, ay yi yi, this beat out show choir or I am totally out of shape, because I could hardly even sing! Later the girls showed me some of their dances so then I had something to attempt other than freestyle (this is a good thing!).
After lunch Paul spoke and I was pretty sleepy. Somehow these preaching days are exhausting even though I'm sitting most of the day! Paul ended with a "surprise" of calling up me and John (their worship leader) to come and sing "Hallelujah" together. It was cool. It was also humbling because the keyboarder was trying to play along and was in the wrong key sooo we sounded off. Oh well!
I almost forgot the skit! I'll be honest, my heart was not overly in the practices for skits. It is interesting how God changes where we are called cuz' in the past I was all about drama, but I was so busy before this trip that I couldn't make the practices and on the trip my heart just hasn't been in it. Thankfully God's plan prevailed. Andrew wrote the skit on our flight and I think the reaction to it was much better than we ever could have anticipated. Basically there was a witch doctor (Jess) and 3 people in distress who go to the witch doctor and magic helps them for a little while, but soon a demon latches on to them with string and they are in bondage to the witch doctor. (This sounds crazy as I write in back in the U.S., but these people really have felt the weight of bondage to evil spirits!) The skit was silent but we had some dark music playing. Then missionaries came out on the stage with Bibles and the Ugandans immediately all started clapping and when Jesus defeats the demons the people cheered and clapped! It was almost overwhelming. Awesome to see how a silent skit can reach across the language barriers and so powerfully impact people.

Next, Andrew shared his testimony again and presented the Gospel. Moses had all the pastors sit in for the skit as well and many said they were very blessed by it all.

We went back to the Guest House, ate some delicious "french fries" and mango (no meat tonight...) and played some Phase 10. Slept great!

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